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New Crop IQF Okra From China
SECTION 1 JAR–FCL 2 01.12.00 1–0–1 Amendment 1 SECTION 1 – REQUIREMENTS 1 GENERAL This section contains the Requirements for Flight Crew Licensing (Helicopter). It is alig (e) An applicant shall hold only one JAR– FCL licence (aeroplane) and only one medical certificate at any time. [Amdt. 2, 01.06.02; Amdt. 4, 01.08.05] JAR–FCL 3.080 Aeromedical Section (AMS) (a) Establishment. Each JAA Member State will include within its Authority one or more physicians experienced in the practice of aviation Paper 2007/05 The Effect of JAR-FCL on General Aviation Safety Report Page 2 JAR-FCL.
JAR-FCL 1.005 Applicability 1-A-3 JAR-FCL 1.010 Basic authority to act as a flight crew member 1-A-4 JAR-FCL 1.015 Acceptance of licences, ratings, authorisations, approvals or 1-A-5 certificates JAR-FCL 1.016 Credit given to a holder of a licence issued by a non-JAA State 1-A-6 JAR-FCL 1.017 Authorisations/Ratings for special purposes 1-A-6 JAR-FCL 1.020 Credit. Comparison Annex 1 to the ICAO Convention «» JAR-FCL – Used Versions : Annex 1 to the ICAO Convention up to Amendment 166 and JAR-FCL 1 Amdt. 3 and NPA-FCL 19 Version V3 – Central JAA / Licensing Division / 18 May 2005 4 of 26 ICAO Annex 1 JAR-FCL » JAR-FCL 1.001 Notes Instrument time. Instrument flight time or instrument ground time. lo (JAR-FCL) relativos a las condiciones para el ejercicio de las funciones de los pilotos de los aviones civiles, en los siguientes términos: Uno. Se añade a la regla JAR-FCL 1.330, sobre Ins-tructor de vuelo FI (A)-Atribuciones y requisitos, una letra g) con la siguiente redacción: «g) la emisión de una habilitación de piloto SECTION 2 JAR-FCL 1 Subpart C Change 1 2–C–4 June 1999 AIR LAW Legislation 1 The Convention on International Civil Aviation 2 The International Civil Aviation Organisation 3 Articles of the Convention 1 Sovereignty 2 Territory 5 Flight over territory of Contracting States 10 Landing at customs airports Title: Microsoft Word - 01 - Cover letter FCL 3 - Amdt 5 _with logo_rv.doc Author: eqa07439 Created Date: 6/8/2007 8:15:01 AM 4. „JAR-gemäße Lizenz“ bezeichnet die von einem Mitglied staat, der die einschlägigen JAR-Vorschriften umgesetzt hat und innerhalb des JAA-Systems bezüglich solcher JAR-Vorschriften zur gegenseitigen Anerkennung empfoh len wurde, gemäß den einzelstaatlichen Rechtsvorschriften, die die JAR-Vorschriften und -Verfahren widerspiegeln SECTION 1 JAR–FCL 2. Date post: 03-Jan-2017: Category: Documents: View: 219 times: Download: 2 times: Download for free Report this document.
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• -M 4.5. DHB: • Flik 2. • Bilaga 2:1.
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Bonn, den 15. April 2003
JAR-FCL. 4.3 Uddannelse til certifikat og tilknytte-de rettigheder, der er omfattet af JAR-FCL, kan kun foregå ved en uddannelsesvirksom-hed, der opfylder kravene i JAR-FCL. 4.4 Rettigheden af et certifikat, der er udstedt af et JAA-medlemsland i henhold til JAR-FCL, kan udøves på dansk registreret luftfartøj.
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